I love essential oils and I’ve really enjoyed sharing my favorites things about them with friends. Since Spring is HERE I thought I’d share some Springy diffuser blends and my favorite Spring Time oils.

If you’re not familiar with diffuser blends and what they are, they are “recipes” of oils that you put in your diffuser! We diffuse oils at our house in place of candles to make our home smell good, and we sometimes diffuse oils in our house to combat certain ailments or issues like sleep, congestion, nausea, etc. The blends mentioned above are to bring some happy smells in to your home!
There are different oils I like to use depending on the season we are in. This time of year I love citrus oils and fresh smelling oils. They just make me happy! These are the oils I always have on hand during Spring!

Almost all the diffuser blends above are variations of these oils. You could create your own blends using the oils you like the most.
We have several diffusers in our home, and most of the ones we have came from Amazon! They’re inexpensive and do a great job. If you’re interested in seeing the ones we have, click here!
I hope this helps anyone who’s interested in using oils this spring! I share lots more on my IG page Linen & Lavender.